9-2a0 The Identity Stack - To build something great means becoming someone’s top primary identifier
2-1a0c1g No lock-in = 去る者は追わない・追えない
7-1a2a3 Win at the corner then come back (傾く・バロック)
7-1a2a You will be solving universal problems by attending to local-parochial problems first

6-3b2 In corporate networks you can only quit

8-2b Crypto will disrupt everything because it can change how organizations are formed, monetized, and exited. It could take decades to play out.

5-1b1b1a3 Network effects (digital) > Supply and demand (physical)develop
3-1c2e4.2 ‘Supply and demand’ - Physical is getting expensive partly because 5-2a3 People fight over tangibles