1-2g2b Humans are significant insofar as we can create knowledge
10-2g1c Universality of people
1-2f1 Popperian epistemology allows your knowledge to grow forever because it is digital. It can fix its errors by rejecting bad ideas
1-2d You have to know your problem-situation (and your web of ideas) as best as you can to judge the merit of new explanations
5-2b4 Explanation (explicit or inexplicit) precedes both your options and choices

Otherwise, the situation will think for us:
10-2g1 Culture is an implicit theory for its members. It dictates what to look at and how they reason about the world.
10-2f1b We filter both what needs to be said and what doesn’t have to be, either consciously or subconsciously
AN3C - People don’t want better, they want less crap
2-1a6c ‘Inertia’ - In most ordinary moments the situation thinks for us, and these seemingly insignificant decisions compound.
2-1a6b ‘Pavlovian association’ & ‘Social proof’ - Understand the arbitrary association formed within your culture. There are no pure indexes for humans.
8-1c4d1a2 People only pay attention to certain parts of music, art, building, product, photo etc.