3-1a2a Culture (be it individual-company-country) should be built around solving problems. Incentives should be built around solving problems.
8-1c4d5 We need mechanisms to realign technology-media-society (or technology-media-individual)
1-1c6a2a Don’t let how you work affect what problems you can work on
11-2 Capital market aligns financial incentives with curiosity. More precisely, capital market constrains curiosity with financial incentives.

2-1a6c1a ‘First-conclusion bias’ - Separate the problem-defining phase of the decision-making process form the problem-solving phase
2-1a6c2 Establishing rituals is the key to creating positive inertia

RUL3 - When automating, make sure the initial constraints and requirements are not stupid-dumb-bullshit.
”Daniel Kahneman revealed an unexpected way we can improve our judgment: replacing decisions with rules. It turns out that rules can help us automate our behavior to put us in a position to achieve success and accomplish our goals.”

Publicly announcing your goal and rules also helpLearnInPublicdevelop

Or put differently, just follow the Fun Criterion:
5-1b4c2a When you have an agency, you don’t get depleted. We aren’t powered by a battery.
