(1). 2-1a7a Curiosity (i.e., the Fun Criterion) leads you to wealth, because wealth is knowledge
7-1a4a1 Wealth created ≠ the P&L of a business. Remember - you get what you measure.
2-1a7a2 Assets with actual substance or weight have the best prospects over the long term

(2). 5-2a Check your growth rate of expectations vs circumstances. The former is hard to measure. But remember - you get what you measure.

(3). 2-1b2b6 Don’t borrow against your securities
2-1b2b5 Know the correlations between your bets. Holy grail is fifteen or so uncorrelated bets.
2-1d ‘Ecosystem’ & ‘Thermodynamics’ & ‘Double-entry bookkeeping’ - Everything is connected, there is no free lunch, 10-2g2c0e Synechism - the idea that everything is connected and nothing can be understood in isolation