Allocation of resources for the core business (70%), adjustable bets (20%), which are an extension of the core, and the remaining is crazy ideas that have a higher chance of failure (10%)
Make sure that upside from things going well more than offsets the downside of that 10% projects not going well (9-2a3a Pick up the biggest upside potential, 株価は時間軸と水準値の間でしか動かない。期待値と確率は違う。峻別すること。つまり、ペイオフについて考えること。)
Again, implement barbell strategy

5-1b1b1a1a Pareto principle (or law of the vital few) - 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes
5-1b1b1a Power-law curiosity - be professionally curious about a few topics and idly curious about many more

Apply this to your training as welldevelop