5-2 What counts cannot be counted
5-1b1a8 ‘Opportunity cost’ and ‘comparative advantage’ must be rooted in explanations. Never use them as ad hoc criteria.
3-1d5 You can question the adequacy of the tools at hand insofar as it relates to some specific problems of yours. You don’t evaluate them ‘comparatively’ based on its ‘utility’ without explanations.

5-2b0a Most errors in judgement happen when we don’t know we’re supposed to be exercising judgement
RUL3 - Write out your goals. It’s amazing how few people do.

3-1b2 Use the Fun Criterion to filter what problems to work on
5-1b1a9 The Fun Criterion is an explanation

5-1b1 Invest in preparedness. Be redundant and resourceful in every aspect. Minimize opportunity cost to achieve great things.
RUL3 - Bounded commitment - choose one best thing available, commit for predetermined time period, then revisit. Similar to balancing depth-first vs breadth-first in search algorithms. Think of your time as quantifiable resource like capital.

Know thyself:
RUL3 - List ⇒ Rank ⇒ Iterate
1-2d You have to know your problem-situation (and your web of ideas) as best as you can to judge the merit of new explanations
2-1c1 ‘Comparative advantage’ - If others can do it, let them
2-1d ‘Ecosystem’ & ‘Thermodynamics’ & ‘Double-entry bookkeeping’ - Everything is connected, there is no free lunch
