2-1a1a5 ‘Narrative instinct’ - Often the right explanation is one with the least intent involved

2-1a0c1c Purpose (and curiosity) beats for-profit

9-2a1.1 Idea is direction. Execution is speed.
Ask: does that have direction, or just cluelessly running around?
”Short-term solutions might make sense in the moment, but they never win in the long term. You feel like you’re moving forward when you’re actually just going in circles. People gravitate toward them because finding a short-term fix signals to others that they’re doing something. That’s the social default at work. It fools people into mistaking action for progress, the loudest voice for the right one, and confidence for competence. Time eventually reveals short-term solutions to be Band-Aids that cover deeper problems. Don’t be fooled!“
2-1b2b ‘Second-order thinking’ - Solve the root cause of a problem (prevention) and not symptoms. Be smart-lazy.
2-1a6b ‘Pavlovian association’ & ‘Social proof’ - Understand the arbitrary association formed within your culture. There are no pure indexes for humans.
”The countless astronomers who dedicated their lives to understanding the geocentric model of the solar system did little to progress science. Copernicus was far more productive because heliocentrism was correct. Be sure what you’re working on isn’t geocentrism.”