1-1a4c2 The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
5-2 What counts cannot be counted unless you pay attention to the particulars
9-2b3g Edward Sapir - ‘The particular and the variable, rather than the universal or invariable, are where the intellectual gold is to be mined.‘

3-1c2d1 Individuals or nations might possess the same values, but the ordering differs

  • Thick description:
    • Thick descripting yourself. You can deconstruct almost everything that’s about you in footnote (but never exhaustively) and its length will be infinitely long. (5-1b1a2c0 No theory can exhaust reality)
      • 国も個人も同じだが、国の場合は総体的に価値が現出してくる。個人は個体。総体的な価値の方が記述しやすい。ただ、その分誤って解釈しやすい。(Everett)
      • 集団とはその個々人の価値の集合体である。個人の価値が一定でないのと同様、集団の価値や文化も決して定まらない。
      • 国家や民族などの集団も個人から形成されているので、集団の価値というものは存在しない。あくまで、似たような価値を似たような序列で有する個々人がいるだけ。
    • Notice how much of our discourse rests on the premise that being profitable is something worth striving for
      • Making money is a social act within socially constructed incentive mechanism
    • What is culture? Why do we have one?
      3-1c2e 情報は関係性の中にある - Meaning is often in relation to other things

With thick enough description, we can form representation of someone’s value rankings and knowledge structures arbitrarily well. However, there will always be a slip. And this slip is inevitable for even concepts like ‘the economy’ and ‘the supply chain’. But it’s always (here literally) better than nothing. (1-2f1b3a Deutsch - ‘Nor is a person capable of making progress merely by virtue of being willing to drop a theory when it is refuted; one must also be seeking a better explanation of the relevant phenomena. That is the scientific frame of mind.’)

RUL3 - List ⇒ Rank ⇒ Iterate