QUE5 - Don’t aim for the average — Ask ‘What is rich doing’ ‘What are nerds doing’

4-1a4b6a1 Future self is enough of an audience

7-1a2a1 絶対に勝てるところから勝っていく
7-1a2a3 Win at the corner then come back (傾く・バロック)
7-1a2a You will be solving universal problems by attending to local-parochial problems first

5-3c Knowledge is irreversible, and can only go from private to public
7-1a6b Successful founders apply new technology to solve problems at edge cases
Knowledge = Know + Edgedevelop
5-3b Knowledge creates new frontiers (and new markets)
6-3a3 The frontier will be on-chain

10-2g1g Scientific knowledge implies location-time-scale-independent applicability
3-1a4b1 Understand what you abstracted away

9-4b3e1 Concise explanations accelerate. It helps others understand you better and faster at all scales.
Knowledge is (somewhat) scale-independentdevelop

5-1b1b1a2 Network effect means compounding
5-1b1b1a2.1 Network effect means scaling increasingly
5-1b1b1a1 Things can become easier the more complexity you have (Network effects = Power-law)
2-1a7b Work in a field you have both a natural aptitude for and deep interest in. It should become increasingly interesting as you learn more about it.

5-1b1a2c1 Principles are meta-contingency. Whatever can happen can happen regardless of how.

5-1b1a1c3 The interoperability law means we can do away with dynamical laws because the former is scale independent

Not every top-downs are inherently evil

  • E.g.,
    • Vitalik on permission: To implement change in Ethereum network you need permission from the community, and this gets especially harder for base layer (L1) as it got and gets bigger. It is not simply everything is under the hands of individuals with blockchain.
    • Naval on Layer3: Naval pointed out how much more innovative ideas and technologies are invented and implemented on Layer2 compared to base layer. He was also pointing out how incentives to create something on existent blockchain are much less than copy existent blockchain.develop