7-1d3 The most valuable advantage in business is technical one
2-3a ‘First principles thinking’ - If it’s not forbidden by the laws of physics, it is possible
5-2b4a You can either decide from existent options, or make a decision (literally in the sense of creation) by creating new explanation
1-2e You literally MAKE a decision by creating the best explanation that you can from the web of ideas that you have at the moment (i.e., abduction-guessing)
3-1d2 The problem of what problems to solve includes the problem of deciding which tools-frameworks (e.g., tech stack, writing medium, criteria, objective, goals, exercise protocols) to use and improve upon
8-2a1 Crypto can decide which assets become obsolete and possible

**Once you’re good at some technology, when you look at the world you see dotted outlines around the things that are missing. You start to be able to see both the things that are missing from the technology itself, and all the broken things that could be fixed using it, and each one of these is a potential startup idea

7-1b4b0 Tech does what culture does to you. You see what could’ve been based on the tech you know.
7-1b4b1 Technical truth ≠ Political truth
7-1b4b2 Andy Grove - ‘Technology happens. It’s not good, it’s not bad.‘
7-1b4c Don’t go looking for ‘great ideas’ without technology. Ideas are great insofar as they address problems. In other words, great ideas have to contribute to solving problems one way or another (and that often involves using technology)

7-1b4d Don’t be proud of being ‘too early’ because it’s easy to be ‘too early’ if your tech knowledge is naive
3-1c3c0 Ideas have timing
9-4b2a1d1 歴史の中にひそむあらかじめスクリプトされたものを読みとることで時代の現在を生きる
9-4b2a1b Build the Idea Maze - Explain the history around an idea, and why yours is a good one. Virtually render the history of the evolution of that idea.
10-1a5 Digitizing history means explaining each fork as contingent points (the could’ve been) for the history around an idea. History is the Idea Maze, and must be created symbolically (never non-digitally nor indexically) by the individuals.

3-1a1 It’s either you are solving problems or not
7-1b3 You can solve problems others will have but don’t have yet
7-1b4 You can solve problems that just became solvable
7-1b5 You can solve problems that just got created

7-1d2 Technology changes the problem-situation, and determines which ideas are possible and obsolete
8-2a1 Crypto can decide which assets become obsolete and possible

8-2 Blockchains-Crypto
Blockchain vs 墾田永年私財法