RUL3 - When automating, make sure the initial constraints and requirements are not stupid-dumb-bullshit.

Put differently: process when you really have to; otherwise prioritize execution (i.e., solving problems)
3-1a2 The problem itself doesn’t care how it’s solved. Everything should be structured around solving problems.

But build version 1.0 fast!
9-4b3a Write a bad version 1.0 as fast as you can
2-1a4b 百聞は一見に如かず - Build, Show, Use > Explain, Tell, Research
RUL3 - Love bad news. Always question to falsify your idea and theory. Invalidate ASAP. How fast you can invalidate matters as much as how fast you can build them. Rule out bad explanations.

You figure out how to scale later:

9-4e2d Idea (1min) ⇒ Mockup (1d+) ⇒ Prototype (7d+) ⇒ Program (2-4w) ⇒ Product (3-6m) ⇒ Business (6-12m) ⇒ Profits (1y+)

Arib: “don’t build anything unless you can guarantee getting 1m page views in first 90 days”
9-4f Product is merit and distribution is connection
Before you even build anything make sure you have a distribution edge
Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide.
Once you get to 500 clicks/day (15k clicks per month) through SEO, you will maintain that growth for 6-12 months without having to touch it.
SEO geniuses