3-1b1b1 No learning without doing; specifically, no learning without cultural doing
7-1b2b1 The best is seeing the front by yourself, because inexplicit and unconscious ideas exist between heads not within them
2-1a4 ‘Language instinct’ - Language can’t exhaust mind
2-1a4b 百聞は一見に如かず - Build, Show, Use > Explain, Tell, Research
10-2g1f2a4 The mind ≠ A computer
Particularly, hardware-software analogy is problematicdevelop
10-2g1f2a3 Everett on Descartes - Dualism is one of the worst error ever introduced into philosophy, and simply ignores evolution
8-2d2a You can’t be a multiple in analog world
1-1a2e7a Apperceptions = The ways by which we process, make sense of, and assimilate our experiences
10-1b2a Emicization = The construction of an insider point of view (the ‘dark matter’)
10-1b1a Experts develop higher proportion of unconscious knowledge than beginners
10-1b2 Attachment is children’s first journey from the strange to the familiar, from observer to knower — The first step in emicization (未知 ⇒ 既知)