5-3b Knowledge creates new frontiers (and new markets)
5-3a Knowledge via new explanations is inherently creative and its effects are positive-sum, because it begets new problems to be solved
1-2g1b What matters is the explanation, and not what you can see
1-1a2e9b When ‘properly’ emicized by the culture, we see what’s not there and can not see what’s there
5-2 What counts cannot be counted + 5-2a2 What gets measured gets managed
12-1a2a2 資本は資本の一元性を好み、商品は商品の多様性を好む
3-1a4c’ Crypto can integrate culture of each network unlike top-down Western global capitalism which did away with the cultural aspects of communities
3-1a4b2 Price can only convey so much + 3-1a4b4 Not everything are priced yet
12-1c Open source means more composability means more digitizeable and measurables
Global map (somewhat accurate one) didn’t exist pre 14cdevelop
- Remember: Mapmaking + Print capitalism = State formation (4-1a4b2b2 History repeats and reverses)
When people can see something they’ll fight over it
- Via technology, emicization
- Impossible with closed networks
- E.g., you can’t see Facebook network
Blockchains enable digital transfer between nations. It’s like people emerging out of the ocean, then disappear when they feel like it.develop
- 2-1a0c1g No lock-in = 去る者は追わない・追えない
- As well as creation, and that is positive-sumdevelop
- 2-1a0c1g No lock-in = 去る者は追わない・追えない
Should everyone stick to one network each for their respective representation?
What do people see? What will they see but haven’t yet?