1-1a5b3 Ship at least every month. Scope down until you have no excuse not to ship. Being output-project-oriented means being payoff-oriented.
1-1a5b4 ‘Release early and often, delegate everything you can, be open to the point of promiscuity’
1-1a5b5 Shipping perfection means you are too late - you have to find a balance of finding the right moment and being fixable
2-1a4b 百聞は一見に如かず - Build, Show, Use > Explain, Tell, Research
2-1a4 ‘Language instinct’ - Language can’t exhaust mind
Remember: 7-1a2c Startup = Growth
9-2a1 It doesn’t matter where you came from (or where you are); what matters is what you can do and where you are going
Growth > Value
2-1b2 Play in different time horizon. That is, in the long-run. 2-1b2c ‘Compounding’ - Permeate across the timeline.
3-1a4b2 Price can only convey so much. 5-2 What counts cannot be counted.
7-1b4f Let the tech decide where to go (both intellectually and physically)
RUL3 - List ⇒ Rank ⇒ Iterate
RUL3 - “Always produce” is a good heuristic for finding the work you love
RUL3 - Love bad news. Always question to falsify your idea and theory. Invalidate ASAP. How fast you can invalidate matters as much as how fast you can build them. Rule out bad explanations.