The same writing looks very different when you see it on different medium (e.g., on your physical notebook vs on the web). Not only that, people consume the content differently. It’s similar to how 6-7b Nutrition doesn’t exist independently from the patient.

5-2b2a Use LATER folder, instead of reactively watching-reading-listening, and give them time
3-1c3c0 Ideas have timing

4-1a4b6b0 We can make almost anything happen (in the way we want) regardless of contextual constraints because we can tweak everything (in piecemeal engineering fashion) by using symbols
4-1a4b6b1 Ideas and its contexts applied are arbitrary
4-1a4b6c Ideas can get better as you recycle and reuse them, unlike most physical things

4-1a4b6b1 Ideas and its contexts applied are arbitrary

5-2c2b0 The truer and deeper the idea is, the more likely it will survive criticism, change in society, and withstand unpredictable consequences brought about by itself

7-2a Be opportunistic and flexible globally rather than inverting locally and prematurely optimized

10-2f3a2 There can only be enough overlap of meanings between any entities (e.g., individual, group, society, theory, reality) — ‘ゆらぎ’