1-2g1c2a ヒトの特殊性は情報処理能力そのものではなく、情報を記号により外部化する能力にある
10-2g1d Humans are the apex predators because we plan, share knowledge, and leave knowledge for future generations, by talking to each other. We are knowledge-oriented.
1-2g1c2b 人間は外的な記号
10-2g2b Language as the most advanced form of communication is what differentiates humans, not communication per se
10-2g2c1 Symbols are universal. Being arbitrary and contingent means it can represent anything, and do everything.
10-2g2 Culture invents symbols, and the core of language is the symbol
10-2g3d1 Humans do stupid things because we can guess and create meanings. Other life-forms don’t have that ability to create knowledge actively. Our ability comes with a great cost of potentially doing very (infinitely) stupid things.
Everett: “Other animals have tremendous problem-solving, navigational, emotional, and other cognitive ranges, as well as consciousness”