9-4b2a Writing is THE evolution. It’s more fast-universal-explicit in contrast to the evolution of genes.
9-4b1a Abductions are historic events. Real writing is history being written.
9-4b2 Writing is creative destructions happening on paper
RUL3 - Love bad news. Always question to falsify your idea and theory. Invalidate ASAP. How fast you can invalidate matters as much as how fast you can build them. Rule out bad explanations.
9-4b2a1b Build the Idea Maze - Explain the history around an idea, and why yours is a good one. Virtually render the history of the evolution of that idea.
9-4b2a1 Most of the evolution happened inside human brains
9-4b3b1 Popper - ‘We let our ideas die in our place’ (another difference between memes vs genes)