1-2b2 He who controls the past controls the future
3-1c1d You must build your own media distribution to avoid distortion for yourself and others
10-1a3a The US doesn’t want you to remember what happened recently
- 方法(観念技術)としての約束・服属・契約
- ’Imaginary memory’
- 敗北した神の悪神化
- それに伴う神殿国家の中心の移動
[Narrative = Sales]
- それに伴う神殿国家の中心の移動
- 敗北した神の悪神化
- ’Imaginary memory’
9-4b2a1d A group of people who doesn’t know who they are and where they came from won’t make it to the moon or Mars
10-1a4 Digitizing history doesn’t mean throwing away everything and returning to the caveman era of a blank git repository