3-1c3c3a1 Don’t be so attached to anything because almost everything is contingent. Assume no self. 3-1c3c3a2 More precisely, almost everything CAN BE made contingent and that’s the essence of digitization.
Nothing is necessary means possible configurations are infinite. See 10-2g2c1 Symbols are universal. Being arbitrary and contingent means it can represent anything, and do everything.
12-1e1 There are no permanent solutions in a dynamic system
Things made contingent in other notes:
- 1-1a2a There is no human nature if by this we mean a kind of a priori knowledge common to all and only to humans
- 1-1a2e10 There is no such thing as objective meaning
- 1-2g2t5a There is no such thing as the ‘same’ instance of a particle at different times - i.e., there is no such thing as speed of ‘one instance’ in the quantum physics (Heisenberg uncertainty principle)
- 2-1a1a3e There’s no objective average
- 2-1a6b ‘Pavlovian association’ & ‘Social proof’ - Understand the arbitrary association formed within your culture. There are no pure indexes for humans.
- 3-1c2e0 There is no minimum idea
- 3-1d4 There are no perfect tools, just as there are no ultimate problems
- 5-1b2.2 There is no objective Black Swan
- 6-3b3.1 There is no necessary incentive (i.e., norm incentives)
- 6-7b Nutrition doesn’t exist independently from the patient
- 9-2b2 There is no objective hierarchy amongst knowledge; only cultural-subjective hierarchy exists because we are cultural being (知識・情報そのものに優劣はない)
- 9-2b3a There is no universal culture, because culture is contingency (文化 = 上澄み)
- 9-2b3d Everett on George Berkeley’s critique of the very notions of abstraction and generalization - There is no mind of any kind, only bodies and the world in which they move
- 9-2b3e2 There is no universal symbol-idea (in the sense of capable of conveying universal meaning)
- 9-2b3e3 There is no universal knowledge
- 9-2b3e3.1 Maybe there is no abstract universality, just less locality
- 10-2g2c0b There is no a priori - 直観は存在しない
- 11-1d There is no objective risk
- 11-3.5 There is no universal utility. Utility doesn’t exist in the abstract, it must be rooted in the context and corresponding explanations.
- 12-1e2 There is no objective happiness
- 12-1e3 There is no should in nature
- 12-1f 言葉と物事の関係性が一対である必要性はない (e.g., 二項同体)