情報とは差異 (= manifestation of contingency)。区別のないところに情報は生まれない。

3-1a3 Multidisciplinary thinking is the most realistic thinking
1-2g2t3f Contingency can be only realized when you evoke the multiverse
10-2g2e9b1 Evolution couldn’t have happened without the multiverse
10-2g2e9b2 Only when evoking the multiverse can we say this and that made this and that difference in the context of evolution

1-2g2d1 生命は無秩序が生み出したゆらぎ・その中で生じたヒトというゆらぎ・さらにそのなかで生じた科学というゆらぎ
2-1d ‘Ecosystem’ & ‘Thermodynamics’ & ‘Double-entry bookkeeping’ - Everything is connected, there is no free lunch

2-1a0 ‘Creative destruction’ - Think outside the box. Evolution of ideas must be revolutionary. Knowledge creation involves rebellion against current explanatory framework.
2-1a1 ‘The map is not territory’ - Find many maps as possible, across globe-time-fields, and try to bring your map closer to the territory as possible (i.e., reality)
2-1b Seeing the unseen (面影・うつろい)

Related in the sense that you need more than just one filter to filter the reality:
8-1c5 Look for Lollapalooza, or system equivalent of critical mass, or chemical equivalent of activation energy, alloying, and catalysts
3-1d6 Constraints in the form of consistent style leave space for creativity and progress
The question, however, is that our explanation must be explanatory. That is, it has to explain all the differences emerging from using different filters (mental models). Maybe mental models are the easiest by which abductions can occur, for the problem at hand will respectively require coherent explanation when considered in the context of each mental model employed

Mental models are likely there to ask effective questions:
5-2c2b The Lindy effect