Store each ideas separately and take them seriously. You lose the ability to play with them, if you bind two or more of them together and store that as ‘an idea’ — the connection is arbitrary after all. This is one reason why 3-1c3c00 Evergreen notes should be atomic.

It’s similar in spirit to Popper’s concept of piecemeal social engineering. Gradual improvement and tinkering often beat radical ‘revolutionary’ changes.

Keep each problems separately as well. 3-1c3d Problems should be well defined and should be actionable, because 3-1c3d3 When problems are so well defined, your future self might be able to solve new problems by reusing and recombining them. Another benefit is if you 3-1c3d0 Break down into mini-projects, they become more actionable because they are less scary than bigger ones.

But remember that 3-1c2e0 There is no minimum idea. Be mindful in applying 2-1a0a ‘Occam’s razor’ & ‘Irreducibility’ - Simplify the problem but don’t oversimplify.

4-1a4b3 If you write down ideas, you can have a conversation with each one of them individually, or with any configurations from them

3-1c3c5 Best of all is when you can say they would’ve found this had they taken their own ideas seriously

9-4b3e1 Concise explanations accelerate. It helps others understand you better and faster at all scales.

3-1c3c1 To create is to recombine. Innovation happens when ideas have sex (either between people or with one’s past ideas). Exchange is to technology as sex is to evolution.

3-1c3c0 Ideas have timing