5-1b1a1b What can be universal is knowledge. But knowledge has to be instantiated by physical medium and this involves technology (e.g., pen and paper).
10-2g2c1 Symbols are universal. Being arbitrary and contingent means it can represent anything, and do everything.
10-2g2c1a Universality of symbols - if one specie can manipulate symbols, then that species can understand any other species who also use symbols
3-1d4c Humans can correct its own errors because we use symbols
4-1a4b6b0 We can make almost anything happen (in the way we want) regardless of contextual constraints because we can tweak everything (in piecemeal engineering fashion) by using symbols
1-2f1 Popperian epistemology allows your knowledge to grow forever because it is digital. It can fix its errors by rejecting bad ideas
1-2f3 Other epistemologies are analog because they keep both new and old theories based on ‘degrees of truth’ or ‘probabilistic truth