10-2g1a Science emerged from culture
10-2g1a1 Science is not pure rationality autonomous from its cultural matrix

9-2b3a There is no universal culture, because culture is contingency (文化 = 上澄み)
9-2b4 More applicability (i.e., universality) per se doesn’t necessarily mean it’s for the better!Universality

1-2 We are fallible
ソロスは11-3 資本主義が自慢する「合理性」には、必ずや「ゆらぎ」「欠陥」「誤謬」「たまたま」が巣くっていること(「たまたま」)を、「負はフィードバックする」という視点をもって掴まえている。この思考方法を持ちえたことが、ソロスのソロスたるゆえんだった。
2-1d ‘Ecosystem’ & ‘Thermodynamics’ & ‘Double-entry bookkeeping’ - Everything is connected, there is no free lunch
1-1c2a There is no escape we are and will be shaped by anti-rational memes
10-2g3d1 Humans do stupid things because we can guess and create meanings. Other life-forms don’t have that ability to create knowledge actively. Our ability comes with a great cost of potentially doing very (infinitely) stupid things.

1-2g2d1 生命は無秩序が生み出したゆらぎ・その中で生じたヒトというゆらぎ・さらにそのなかで生じた科学というゆらぎ
