A lower bar for the fomer means the insiders will take them less seriously
- Barriers to entry doesn’t necessarily correlate to its importance!
Native thinking (reads novelty) > Skeuomorphic thinking (reads more of the same)
- 8-1e You have to go beyond skeuomorphism. Native means novelty.
- Preconceived notions hold innovation captive
- 8-1e You have to go beyond skeuomorphism. Native means novelty.
An interesting startup idea makes phones less valuable
- Apple is far less likely to pursue this route
Today’s major technology movements involve sustaining technologies that look set to reinforce existing industry structures.
- AI (8-4 LLMs) and 8-5 VR-AR are sustaining technologies
- AI favors big companies with stockpiles of capital and data
- New devices like virtual reality headsets and self-driving cars require multibillion-dollar capital investments
- Blockchains are the only credible counterweight to these centralizing forces
- AI (8-4 LLMs) and 8-5 VR-AR are sustaining technologies
Disruptive tech are harder to spot than sustaining ones, more so because media works with big tech companies - e.g., Know what to measure. Google Analytics is provided by Google. Know their incentives. Another reason why 3-1c1d You must build your own media distribution to avoid distortion for yourself and others and to find crypto-native communities for quality information (e.g., Farcaster). Remember: 3-1c1d1 Journalists distort our reality by 10,000x.
- iPhone was not sustaining tech because it disrupted the market for computers not just for phones (e.g., 8-1c4a1 iPhone and texting (along with visual voicemail) boosted each other)