3-1c1d You must build your own media distribution to avoid distortion for yourself and others
3-1c1d6 Media grabs what’s easily grabbable (e.g., short-term over long-term development)
3-1c1b You are what you think and you think what you see, and you see what you think
2-1a1a3a You’re the average of your five closest friends OR You’re the average of the people whose content you consume the most
- Inflation dashboard dapp (e.g., Truflation) as new CoinMarketCap
- Assume that level of unstablity
- Shadow statistics
8-1c Look for inherently digital-native areas and concepts, as well as 8-1d Look for inherently crypto-native areas and concepts
- What does natively digital news look like?
- Dashboards > newspapers
- On-chain event feeds > Twitter > newspapers