^You can replace articulation with segmentation

“Nor is a person capable of making progress merely by virtue of being willing to drop a theory when it is refuted; one must also be seeking a better explanation of the relevant phenomena. That is the scientific frame of mind.” – David Deutsch

Understand anything digitally. Analysis means formulating the true cause-and-effect relationships. Piecemeal error correction works better because you know with which part you are experimenting with. When you change everything at once, it’s tough to know the bad actors—and usually they are tiny little things. Always analyze without getting too attached emotionally—being reactive is like being analog in the heat of the moment.

You don’t rewrite the whole script when the code is buggy—you debug line by line.

Your weightlifting performance (e.g., squat) can improve a lot, for example, by addressing the mobility of your ankles—just by few degrees.

And that’s how we should approach life.

Related Notes:
1-2f1b3b French Revolution, Russian Revolution, and Chinese Revolution were analog. That is, not done in piecemeal error-correction fashion.
3-1c3c Keep each ideas separately, because there is nothing absolute and necessary in the connections I make between them
3-1d6b Consistent style makes it easier to see whether you are making a progress or not
7-1a2a1.1 Look for two-step-aheaders, instead of people many steps ahead of you

Try to understand any entities digitally. For example, ETH is aggregation of many ideas and functions, and each of which can be taken seriously separately.