
3-1c1b0 You are what you consume (read)

Richard Hamming: “Great thoughts only on Friday afternoons”

Bill Gates still created time and space (twice a year) to seclude himself for a week and do nothing but read articles (his record is 112) and books, study technology, and think about the bigger picture even during the busiest and most frenetic time in the company’s history.

1-1a2e9b When ‘properly’ emicized by the culture, we see what’s not there and can not see what’s there
5-1b4b Compounding is usually too slow to notice. You have to be deliberate in how you think and what you see.
6-4 Proper epistemology should lead to a proper state of mind

3-1c1c You must build your own media for yourself

You are what you read. You think like who you follow.
2-1a1a3a You’re the average of your five closest friends OR You’re the average of the people whose content you consume the most

You can’t think well without writing well, and you can’t write well without reading well. You have to be good at reading, and read good things.

RUL3 - Write out your goals. It’s amazing how few people do.