9-2a3a Pick up the biggest upside potential
9-2a3b Don’t pick up anything which has certain downside. Avoid bullshit.
5-1b1.1 Redundancy over premature optimization—especially against Black Swans
5-1b1a Technology itself should be the kind that begets and benefits from volatility
5-1b2 Don’t invest in prediction, because knowledge is inherently unpredictable
QUE5 - What’s your company’s billion-dollar function
RUL3 - Avoid premature optimization
RUL3 - Bounded commitment - choose one best thing available, commit for predetermined time period, then revisit. Similar to balancing depth-first vs breadth-first in search algorithms. Think of your time as quantifiable resource like capital.
7-2b The more of a noob you are locally, the less of a noob you are globally
7-1d0 People who find ways to drive down the costs and simplify the product made the biggest difference (Ford)