5-2d When you are purpose-goal-oriented, you’ll be problem-project-oriented, because you will face problems in the process of achieving the former and will break them down into mini-problems
7-1a4a1 Wealth created ≠ the P&L of a business. Remember - you get what you measure.
2-1a7a Curiosity (i.e., the Fun Criterion) leads you to wealth, because wealth is knowledge
11-2 Capital market aligns financial incentives with curiosity. More precisely, capital market constrains curiosity with financial incentives.
2-1a0c1d The One Commandment is about focus - Focus on a single moral innovation
5-1b1a1 Improving on already existent technology by removing one of its restraints amounts to innovation
9-2a It’s easy to convince if people don’t know you enough for what you are not
2-1a7 ‘Curiosity instinct’ - Curiosity alone can drive humans into ideas without any (at least obvious) financial incentivesdevelop
3-1c1d0 We are overconsuming novelty (and “serendipity”) and under-consuming purpose. The first thing to look at each day should be your purpose and metrics to improve upon, not some random stories.
Clayton Christensen: Clarity about their purpose will trump knowledge of activity-based costing, balanced scorecards, core competence, disruptive innovation, the four Ps, and the five forces.