1-1a2e5 Cultures nurture minds
10-2g4 Cultures and languages are reflexive
10-1b3 Sapir - ‘Culture is not something given but something to be gradually and gropingly discovered’
1-1a2e6 Culturing and social acting (along with languaging) ⇒ Our actions, beliefs, desires, values, and self
1-1a2e7d1 To live = To live culturally = To live economically
3-1a4c’ Crypto can integrate culture of each network unlike top-down Western global capitalism which did away with the cultural aspects of communities
7-1d2a The relation between technology and the problem-situation (i.e., culture and mind) is reflexive
2-1a6a Understanding incentives amounts to understanding its culture
10-1d Cohesive culture is formed with values, knowledge structures, and social roles
10-1c Culture is an abstract network shaping and connecting social roles, hierarchically structured knowledge domains and ranked values. It’s dynamic and subject to change.