1-1a6 To live is to live like a detective
3-1c1c You must build your own media for yourself
3-1c1d You must build your own media distribution to avoid distortion for yourself and others
2-1a1a4b Compounding is usually too slow to notice, making it easier to discount both how much progress and catastrophe are achievable
5-1b4b0 Evolution is trend
5-1b4b1 Life’s evolution’s superpower is its time horizon. 3.8 billion years of miniscule changes compounded.
5-1b4c Exponential growth feels flat in the beginning, precisely why it’s worth making an extraordinary effort to get it started. You can also follow the Fun Criterion (the latter likely exhausts the former). Consistency is the key.
“Comb-over beret” (バーコード) exemplifying the power of gradualness