3-1d6e You can only progress within the context of your own specificity. You can’t progress objectively, although you can progress towards the objective knowledge.
6-3 Our definition of health should also consider the health of mind (e.g., ’clarity of mind’ and ‘neural health’), not just physical health.
5-1a3 We don’t derive an ought from an is. Only problems exist. We can just solve them.
1-1a4b0a Induction can’t generate (or more precisely, create) knowledge.
5-1a5 Morality might be a subset of physics. The laws of physics might provide the measure for morality, as it were.
9-4b2b1a We are free insofar as we can create knowledge
1-2g2l3 We create knowledge actively. We are more than biological life.
10-1b6 Culture ⇒ Culturally invented symbols ⇒ Language (Culture invents things. Everyone is part of a culture. Every individual learning take place within culture. Every invention is built up over time, including language.)
10-2g1 Culture is an implicit theory for its members. It dictates what to look at and how they reason about the world.