3-1c2a Your mind, including the unconscious, has to know the problems you explicitly have
3-1c3d3 When problems are so well defined, your future self might be able to solve new problems by reusing and recombining them
4-1a4b2a1 忘却を促進することで、人為的な古典化を起こす。
1-2e1 Be ambitious but leverage what you already know
RUL3 - Write out your goals. It’s amazing how few people do.
RUL3 - Live in the future and build what seems interesting
Solving specific problems to achieve your goal will result in:
9-4b2a1b Build the Idea Maze - Explain the history around an idea, and why yours is a good one. Virtually render the history of the evolution of that idea.
2-1a2 See clearly - 解像度を高める
3-1b1b Problems encountered during projects are valuable. The harder they are the better.
5-1b1b2a If you follow the Fun Criterion, you’ll be good at things
Structured procrastinationdevelop
But remember:
3-1b1 Occasionally revisit the problem itself. Occasionally check in on long-term.