2-1a1a1 ‘Falsification (confirmation) bias’ - Always try to falsify your theory. Don’t pick up similar maps.
2-1a1a2 ‘Bias from incentives’ - Explicate your culture-incentive as much as possible
2-1a1a3 ‘Availability heuristic’ - We easily recall what is salient, important, frequent, and recent
2-1a1a4 ‘Representativeness heuristic’ - Remember the Linda test!
2-1a1a5 ‘Narrative instinct’ - Often the right explanation is one with the least intent involved
2-1a1a6 ‘Tendency to overgeneralize from small samples’
2-1a1a7 ‘Hindsight bias’ - Keep a record of your thoughts at the time you make the decision
2-1a1a8 ‘Tendency to overestimate consistency of behavior’ - Behavior of others are often not innate-intentional but situational
2-1a1a9 ‘Survivorship bias’ - We only see what can be seen
5-1b2a The “Doubt-Avoidance Tendency” - people want certainty-predictability-control over accuracy-reality
4-1e1 Loss aversion - e.g., the prospect of competitor buying you, and having have to acquire you later at higher cost, are the two biggest concerns which motivate potential acquirers