- 9-2b3d Everett on George Berkeley’s critique of the very notions of abstraction and generalization - There is no mind of any kind, only bodies and the world in which they move
- Woke is similar to Nazism because they are basically doing the same thing, but with everything with negative connotation (from ‘white is good’ to ‘white is bad’)
- Communist pathologies profit
- Every profit is bad
- Fundamentalists pathologies interest
- Interest is power tool without which economy can’t do, but some religions consider all interest as usury
- BTC maximalists pathologies digital issuance
- They are anti-FED but pro-SEC
- The existence of SEC made the analogy between digital equity with equity impossible
- Because bureaucrats and SEC pathologies ‘unregulated’ issuance of any digital equity
- Negative feedback loops ensues, because Web3 creators then use different words for issuance, making it easier for SEC to call them out
- Because bureaucrats and SEC pathologies ‘unregulated’ issuance of any digital equity
- The existence of SEC made the analogy between digital equity with equity impossible
- They are anti-FED but pro-SEC
- BTC maximalists pathologies capitalism
- They have zero-sum mentality
7-1b4b1 Technical truth ≠ Political truth
- BTC Maximalists are in for political, ethical, moral reasons. Not for the technology per se.
- They have the zeal of monotheist
- Zeal is the difference between selling at the low and selling never
- Less crowdfunding in BTC than ETH
- But remember: BTC benefits from growing Web3 ecosystem (2-1d ‘Ecosystem’ & ‘Thermodynamics’ & ‘Double-entry bookkeeping’ - Everything is connected, there is no free lunch)
- Less crowdfunding in BTC than ETH
- Remember: humans are irrational
- The issue is with what they do versus what they say
- Zeal is the difference between selling at the low and selling never
- They have the zeal of monotheist