4-1a4b2b1 ‘One-of-those’ over one-off - Learn from history (not just from your ‘own’ experience)
3-1c1d2a If the news is fake, imagine history
1-2b1 Power cares about its past because the former is derived from the latter
7-1a4b Understanding the measurement-constraints amounts to understanding the system-incentives. That is, creating explanations.
2-1a6a Understanding incentives amounts to understanding its culture
8-1c4d1a1 The culture (or ‘gestalt’) dictates what’s been written as well as what’s not been written
1-1a7 Epistemology is the way with which we go about our detective work; other sciences are application of such detective lens
10-2f3b Reading is about extracting the meaning from the words, and not about extracting words from the page
3-1c2e 情報は関係性の中にある - Meaning is often in relation to other things
10-1a1 歴史 = 編集 = 関係の発見
10-1b Culture is set of ideas which affect behavior including unconscious ones like skills, expectations, and emotional preferences.