10-2g2c0 A system is universal if it contains enough expressibility to represent anything. It can do anything and everything.
10-2g2c1 Symbols are universal. Being arbitrary and contingent means it can represent anything, and do everything.
10-2g2c1a Universality of symbols - if one specie can manipulate symbols, then that species can understand any other species who also use symbols
1-2g2r0 The Turing principle implies 梵我一如
1-2g2r1 If you believe that there are bounds on the domain in which reason is the proper arbiter of ideas, then you believe in unreason or the supernatural
1-2g2s The very fact that physical variables can store information, that they can interact with one another to transfer and replicate it, and that such processes are stable, all depend on the details of quantum theory