8-2d3 You can vote with ballot, wallet, or foot (physical & digital)
E.g., Indian software vs Chinese hardware
- 6-3b2.6 China is the manufacturing superpower (China is 10x Germany)
- China contained its internet network within Chinese
- 6-3b2.5 India (or any other country-company-community) can act as the tech-media superpower of de-Americanization-dollarization movement
- Where is Indian equivalent of YC and Point 72?
- If India wants to do manufacturing it should go for robotics
- Software first then robotics
- GreyOrange
- Dipers.com (?)
- Mitra Robotics
- Clone (?)
- Software first then robotics
- International Indians in the 2020s might do what China did in the 2010s
- Remember: ecosystems develop very slowly, and then all at once
- Threshold: 8-1c4 ‘Killer application’ is knowledge-technology-universality that begets reflexivity between app-platform-people by pushing people over the threshold & 2-1a1a4b Compounding is usually too slow to notice, making it easier to discount both how much progress and catastrophe are achievable
- 6-3b2.5a Community network > State network (e.g., Indian network > Indian state-market)
- Remember: 5-1b1b1a1 Things can become easier the more complexity you have (Network effects = Power-law) & 12-1a2c Digital network can solve the problem of network defects (both as a failure and a political defection) because not constrained by the arbitrary state and its physical borders means it doesn’t get too big or too complex
- Also remember: 3-1a4b2 Price can only convey so much & 3-1a4b4 Not everything are priced yet from 2-1b2b5 Know the correlations between your bets. Holy grail is fifteen or so uncorrelated bets.develop
- Remember: ecosystems develop very slowly, and then all at once
- India is 10x Israel
- 4-1a4b2b2 History repeats and reverses
- Israel started with the diaspora then the state
- India started with the state then the diaspora
- China also went through the diaspora
- But Chinese are suspected as ‘spies’ in the US
- China Is receding
- China plays the best home game
- India is accelerating
- India plays the best away game
- China Is receding
- But Chinese are suspected as ‘spies’ in the US
- 4-1a4b2b2 History repeats and reverses