Jerzy Gregorek says it’s usually one organ that causes all the others to fail.
And he relates this to joints. Your weightlifting performance (e.g., squat) can improve a lot, for example, by addressing the mobility of ankles—just by few degrees.
Fix your weakest link.
Related Notes
- 1-1a4c2 The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
- 3-1a4a1 The whole must be evoked in explaining the parts
- 5-1b1a7 Technology’s ‘function’ consists of many parts, and you have to have an explanation for how each contributes to the whole (i.e., ‘vertically-integrated’)
- 10-2g2e6a Science is about understanding the whole of reality, of which only an infinitesimal proportion is ever experienced
- 10-2f1 Chomsky’s UG approach only looks at a subset (syntax) of a subset (language) of the whole (communication system — ‘the gestalt’). Syntax is only secondary to conversation.
- 3-1a4a1 The whole must be evoked in explaining the parts
- 9-4b2a1d0.3 The essence of analysis is articulation - 分析の本質は分節
- 11-3.3 ‘The law of diminishing returns’ - We can recalibrate the curve so that we are always at the growing phase of the S-curve!
- RUL3 - Run upstairs. Choose the difficult terrain like guerillas.
Interesting Research:
- Dr. Winsor’s autopsies (a series of studies conducted by Dr. Henry Winsor in the 1920s)
- Rather than disproving chiropractic theory, it ended up reinforcing the idea that there is a connection between spinal health and overall body function, including organ health. His findings suggest that degeneration in the spine can correspond to degeneration in organs controlled by nerves at the same spinal level, highlighting the importance of spinal alignment in maintaining good health.