
Why are we outsourcing our health? We don’t even own our bodies anymore?

2-1a6 ‘Incentives’ - Incentives drive (almost) everything. Understand your incentives.
2-1b2b1a Get your incentives right from the beginning
8-1b3d Monetary policies can come first and the currency circulation can come later (or symbiotically-simultaneously), not vice versa (i.e., bottom-up vs top-down)

Don’t externalize incentives:

Own your own:

Digital ownership:

  • You should own digitally (digital-physical demarcation is arbitrary after all!) and there should be property rights equivalent in the real of digitalcategories
    • 8-1b2 Digital-physical is entwined
      • Own and help own
        • Why newsletter is having a renaissance (e.g., Substack)
          • Email list is generally better, because amount of crap you get is much less compared to Hacker News
            • This could be because both creators and users use their own email address in the former, whereas in the latter users don’t really own their identities theredevelop
              • The same applies to X

6-3b0 When you own something, you can do whatever with it
6-3b1 Users become owners with tokens
6-3c When you are invested, you’ll try to own it
6-3d Be very specific about problems and divide a project clear cut so it doesn’t become bleak, like shared common room.

E.g., my Obsidian notes and baseball gloves

Crazy connection: