10-2g1.1 Experience to theory over theory to experience—the latter theory is harder to get it off because it shapes your experience

1-1c6a1c The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence
7-1a4b Understanding the measurement-constraints amounts to understanding the system-incentives. That is, creating explanations.
1-1c6a1a Pay attention to what can’t be said (e.g., taboos)
4-1d0 Look at the whole of conversations, including how things are being said as well as what’s not being said (e.g., taboos)
7-1a4a Growth in revenue and in user base are not the same thing.
5-2b4 Explanation (explicit or inexplicit) precedes both your options and choices
3-1d6 Constraints in the form of consistent style leave space for creativity and progress

10-2g1a Science emerged from culture
10-2g2 Culture invents symbols, and the core of language is the symbol

If you don’t have an explanation, usually the situation thinks for us:
AN3C - People don’t want better, they want less crap
2-1a6c ‘Inertia’ - In most ordinary moments the situation thinks for us, and these seemingly insignificant decisions compound.
8-1c4d1a2 People only pay attention to certain parts of music, art, building, product, photo etc.

Crazy connection:
3-1c3c6 Nerds have an advantage in doing great work because they expend little effort on seeming anything