9-5 How to write
9-4b3e2 Concise explanations make it easier to criticize and combine ideas
9-4b3e1 Concise explanations accelerate. It helps others understand you better and faster at all scales.
4-1d0 Look at the whole of conversations, including how things are being said as well as what’s not being said (e.g., taboos)
9-4b3e3 The easier something is to read, the more deeply readers will engage with your ideas. Keep the friction low.
9-2b1 情報媒体が情報自体よりも情報力を持つこともある
E.g., 9-2b0 Low voice midnight FM MC voice resonates better
9-2c Mark Twain - “Humor is a way to show you’re smart without bragging.”