2-1a Information is in the difference. No difference, no information. 情報とは差異. 区別のないところに情報は生まれない.
3-1c2e 情報は関係性の中にある - Meaning is often in relation to other things
3-1c2d Human knowledge is hierarchically structured. It’s a list but also about how things on the list relate to one another. The sum of what we know is greater than all things put together.
9-4b2a1d0 情報には文脈がある = 情報文化は区切りでできている (digit) = 情報における分節の重要性
7-1b2a1 We seem more willing to spend money on good fruit jam than on good software
7-1b2b You can help explicating problems others have inexplicitly or unconsciously
10-1b8 All languages will show culture-language connections if we look for it