5-1b1b1a Power-law curiosity - be professionally curious about a few topics and idly curious about many more
5-1b1b1a1 Things can become easier the more complexity you have (Network effects = Power-law)
5-1b1b1a1.1 The more anomalies you’ve seen, the more easily you’ll detect new ones. Life should become more and more surprising as you grow older. It compounds.
5-1b4c2a When you have an agency, you don’t get depleted. We aren’t powered by a battery.
PG: To increase your curiosity is to indulge it, by investigating things you’re interested in. Curiosity is unlike most other appetites in this respect: indulging it tends to increase rather than to sate it. Questions lead to more questions.
4-1a4b6a0 You can use ideas both NOW (upside - cognitive offload) and LATER (upside - ideas becoming useful with new interpretation). Ideas ≠ Money.