1-2b In the quest for truth, what matters is the explanation and not where it came from, because even if gods reveal something to you it’s just as fallible as ever (the quest for truth ≠ a quest for certainty-justification-necessity)

1-2f1a3b Philosophy without science is “empty ideas”

This is like 梵我一如 but without 梵; it ends up at best tautological 我一如 - something like Descartes’ cogito (1-2g2r0 The Turing principle implies 梵我一如)
1-2g1c3a Humans have no nature and no self apart from the experiences they have united in their memories (the Buddhist notion of anatman - ‘no self’)
1-2g2f The virtual-reality rendering of their environment (i.e., creating knowledge about its niches) is the characteristic means by which human beings (and life in general) survive
1-2g2h Life is associated with a fundamental principle of physics – the Turing principle – since it is the means by which virtual reality was first realized in nature. (Life = physical embodiment of knowledge = the Turing principle)

To make matters worse, by ‘known’ he unfortunately meant ‘justified’