“The current environment programs the brain, but the clever brain can choose its upcoming environment.” – Naval

10-2g1f2a2 You can’t separate the mind from the context-culture-body that generated-evolved it. Cartesian dualism is arbitrary categorization-abstraction.
1-1a2c Everett on Aristotle - He is responsible for the characterization of the mind as a blank slate (‘Mind is in a sense potentially whatever is thinkable, though actually it is nothing until it has thought’)

3-1c2e 情報は関係性の中にある - Meaning is often in relation to other things

Humans are universal-flexible:
1-1a2 Our mind is flexible
10-2g2c0 A system is universal if it contains enough expressibility to represent anything. It can do anything and everything.
10-2g2c1 Symbols are universal. Being arbitrary and contingent means it can represent anything, and do everything.
1-2g2b5 The most significant universality is that of people. We are universal explainers, and possess the only kind of universality capable of transcending its parochial origins.

Humans learn inexplicitly; it’s not just brain that does the ‘thinking’:
10-1b1 It is the body that learns - ‘考えるな. 感じろ.‘
2-1d ‘Ecosystem’ & ‘Thermodynamics’ & ‘Double-entry bookkeeping’ - Everything is connected, there is no free lunch
7-1b2b1 The best is seeing the front by yourself, because inexplicit and unconscious ideas exist between heads not within them
2-1a3 ‘Seeing the front’ - Incorporate what can’t be explicated
2-1a4 ‘Language instinct’ - Language can’t exhaust mind

Who you work with, where you are, and what you work on matters:
2-1a1a3a You’re the average of your five closest friends OR You’re the average of the people whose content you consume the most