2-1c1a2 The attract-extract cycle - Bigger networks have less to gain and more to lose by interoperating
The inevitability of the S-curvedevelop
But remember: 5-1b1a4 We can run multiple billion-dollar functions either sequentially or simultaneously. Or preferably both.
3-1c3c3 Take ideas seriously, but not too seriously. Don’t be the idea.
5-1b1a3 We are more than technology, because we create knowledge-technology. We are more than functions. Don’t be a function.
3-1c3d2b Chasing growth ⇒ Keep redefining the problems to be solved
2-1a6c3 ‘Global and local maxima’ - Don’t prematurely overoptimize. Occasionally throw in some ‘randomness’.
Tl;dr - We can recalibrate the curve so that we are always at the growing phase of the S-curve!

11-3.4 ‘Utility’ (marginal, diminishing, increasing) - Specialization beats the Invisible Hand

4-1a4b2a3 整理 = 意識的にすてること