8-1b2 Digital-physical is entwined
7-1b4g Intellectual and physical can merge in the digital
8-1b2a Most automation (and probably disruption as well) happens indirectly
10-2g2e2 Abstractions are real, and created the same way as with any other knowledge
9-2b1 情報媒体が情報自体よりも情報力を持つこともある
9-2b2 There is no objective hierarchy amongst knowledge; only cultural-subjective hierarchy exists because we are cultural being (知識・情報そのものに優劣はない)
In the sense of how digital can take over the physical (8-1b1 Physical (offline) can exist as printouts of digital (online))
5-1b1a2c0.1 Perfect replication is impossible
5-3b Knowledge creates new frontiers (and new markets)