5-2c2b1 Focus on the fundamentals, on the deeper ideas closer to abstract knowledge, on what matters, and build yourself (including technology) around it
5-2c2b0 The truer and deeper the idea is, the more likely it will survive criticism, change in society, and withstand unpredictable consequences brought about by itself
1-2 We are fallible
4-1c Great negotiators actively try to reveal hidden assumptions, that is, they look for surprises. They are more than just being ready for them.
5-1b1b1a1.1 The more anomalies you’ve seen, the more easily you’ll detect new ones. Life should become more and more surprising as you grow older. It compounds.
2-1a0c1a ‘Influence of stress’ - ‘In the thick of battle, you will not rise to the level of your expectations, but fall to the level of your training’
2-1a0c2 Failing is inevitable, but do not fail epistemologically