3-1c1b You are what you think and you think what you see, and you see what you think
3-1c1d1 Journalists distort our reality by 10,000x
The anchoring tendencydevelop
RUL3 - Write out your goals. It’s amazing how few people do.
Sunk cost tendencydevelop
3-1c3c3 Take ideas seriously, but not too seriously. Don’t be the idea.
5-1b1a3 We are more than technology, because we create knowledge-technology. We are more than functions. Don’t be a function.
2-1b2f ‘Equivalence’ - Reality doesn’t care genealogy. Solving problems is what matters. How it’s done matters less.
RUL3 - Love bad news. Always question to falsify your idea and theory. Invalidate ASAP. How fast you can invalidate matters as much as how fast you can build them. Rule out bad explanations.